Universal contact sensor
The FIBARO Door/Window Sensor combines the functionality of the 2 devices: contact and temperature sensors in one easy-to-use product.

Mobility and easy installation
The FIBARO Door/Window Sensor may be installed anywhere. It is a battery-operated device that uses wireless network communication. Thanks to its double-sided adhesive tape you can place the device anywhere you want.
Extremely compact
The FIBARO Door/Window Sensor fits anywhere thanks to its small size L 70,79 x W 17,70 x H 17,60 mm (2.79 x 0.7 x 0.69 in).

Contact Sensor
The FIBARO Door/Window Sensor is easily mountable on doors, windows, garage doors, gates, roller blinds, closets, and more. Use it for monitoring the opening/closing of doors and windows.

When the front door is opened, alerts are sent
If the front door is opened, the FIBARO Door/Window Sensor will alert you. Your child returning home from school could be a hint to you.
Turns on and off the heat
Do you occasionally forget to switch off the heat while opening a room’s door on a chilly day? That won’t happen once more. Together with other HomeKit-enabled devices, the FIBARO Door/Window Sensor will prevent energy and heat loss.
Monitors medicine cabinets
There are things in your home that should be secure against unauthorized access, such as a medicines. The FIBARO Door/Window Sensor installed on e.g. medicine cabinet let you know that somebody opened it. In this way you can protect your children from over-the-counter drug intoxication.
Activates the welcome home scene
Imagine that you came back from work and the only thing that you dream of is a cup of hot coffee. Your FIBARO Door/Window Sensorin cooperation with HomeKit enables device will make your dream comes true.
Monitors pet doors
You can mount the FIBARO Door/Window Sensor anyplace you want. Check how useful it will be on pet doors. If you have a cat, you will be informed that it probably came back home after night hunting.
Protects your home
The FIBARO Door/Window Sensor was developed to use on windows and door frames to protect you and your family from a burglary.
Wireless Update
The FIBARO Door/Window Sensor has been designed to get firmware updates automatically with just one click in the mobile app.